Escape what? Well, “escape analysis” is the process by which the compiler decides if a variable is to be allocated on the stack or on the heap. In Go (unlike in C) the fact that a variable is locally declared does not mean that it will be stack-allocated. Why? Because the following is a perfectly valid program in Go (you can run it in the playground):

package main

import "fmt"

var VP *int // a global pointer

func f(vp *int) {
    VP = vp

func g() {
    var v int // a local variable
    v = 40
    *VP = 42
    fmt.Println(v) // prints 42

func main() {
    fmt.Println(*VP) //prints 42

Obviously, the variable v declared in function g() cannot be stack allocated, since a pointer to it is stored to global VP by f(). Or as we say: Variable v escapes it’s local scope; hence escape analysis.

​Now take the following two functions:

func Ok(f os.File) []byte {
        var x [128]byte
        b := x[:]
        n, _ := f.Read(b)
        r := make([]byte, n)
        copy(r, b[:n])
        return r

func NotOk(c net.Conn) []byte {
        var x [128]byte
        b := x[:]
        n, _ := c.Read(b)
        r := make([]byte, n)
        copy(r, b[:n])
        return r

They look almost identical. There is an unexpected difference, though. In Ok() the array x is allocated on the stack, while in NotOk(), x is allocated on the heap. That is: NotOk() generates 128 bytes of garbage every time it’s called; Ok() does not.

This can be easily verified by building with:

go build -gcflags='-m'

Why this happens. If I’m not mistaken: the problem here is that net.Conn is an interface, while os.File is not (it’s a concrete type). When the compiler sees a call to a method of net.Conn there is no way to know (at compile time) if the method’s implementation somehow retains a copy of it’s reference argument. I could pass to NotOk() a net.Conn implementation whose Read() saves its argument to a global variable, as shown in the example at the top. Or I could not. The compiler has no way to know which, so it has to be conservative.

Sadly, there’s nothing that can be done about this, no matter how clever the compiler becomes. Consider that NotOk() could be in a different package than its callers. As a result: all pointers or reference types passed to methods through interfaces will point to (reference) heap-allocated objects. Or: There is no way to read from net.Conn to a stack-allocated buffer.

A bit disappointing, but what can you do…


It turns out, there is something that the compiler can do about it, and it’s called “whole program analysis”. Whether this could realistically help in this case, and whether avoiding heap allocation is worth the cost, is debatable. Some argue that with a very good allocator and garbage collector, being too focused on stack allocation is not worth the cost. Naturally, by “very good garbage collector” they mean a compacting, generational one, and by “good allocator” they presumably mean a “bump the pointer” allocator. Anyway, I won’t get into this discussion here…

Finally, another example where an interface is causing a heap allocation, one that would (I think) be easier to avoid by a smart compiler is the following:

type S struct {
    s1 int

func (s *S) M1(i int) { s.s1 = i }

type I interface {

func g() {
    var s1 S  // this escapes
    var s2 S  // this does not

func f1(s I) { s.M1(42) }
func f2(s *S) { s.M1(42) }

Here the compiler has to decide whether to produce code for g() that allocates s1 and s2 on the heap or on the stack. In both cases, the compiler can see that both s1 and s2 are leaked by g() to f1() and f2() respectively. Now f2 leaks s (i.e. s1) to method S.M1(), which does not leak s anywhere; so s2 can be safely allocated on the stack by g(). On the other hand, by looking f1() we know that it leaks its s argument to a method, but by looking at f1() alone we cannot tell to which specific method, and therefore cannot tell if s escapes via that method. A more clever compiler would observe that f1() is called by g() and in g() we know the concrete type passed to the interface argument of f1() so, in-effect, we know the specific method to which f1() leaks it’s argument, and we can see that s1 does not escape this way. Unfortunately the Go compiler is not currently that clever.